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Implementing the NEW Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act and PUMP Act

SHRM Credit: 1.5

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Required for each attendee in order to receive the meeting link and materials.

Implementing the NEW Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act and PUMP Act

1.5 SHRM Credits
Recorded: June 13, 2023
(Comprehensive Materials, Forms, Sample Letters)

Who Should Attend: HR and Upper Management positions

  • New federal law: Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Effective June 27, 2023 for all employer with 15 or more employees
    (applies to private and public employers)

    • Detailed instruction regarding the law and employers’ obligations
    • EEOC guidance on the PWFA
    • Reasonable accommodations required under the PWFA
    • Sample policy and forms to help you implement this significant new federal law
    • How the PWFA interacts with other federals laws such as the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    • Enforcement and remedies for violations of the PWFA
  • New Law – Review of PUMP Act – Effective April 28, 2023 – “Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act”
    • Review of PUMP Act and employers’ obligations
    • Interplay between existing federal lactation break law and PUMP Act
    • Relevant state laws expansions to these laws

MNW Member Registration Fee: $299 per person; $259 per person if two or more
Non-Member Registration Fee: $359 per person
Since class size is restricted, registrations are non-refundable.