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Are you high? Mounting workplace challenges relating to drug impairment, use and possession

SHRM Credit: 1.5

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Recorded: June 3, 2022
Length: 1.5 hr
SHRM Credits: 1.5

The drug test positivity rate among America’s workforce reached its highest rate in 2021 since 2001. (Source: Quest Diagnostics, the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information services). As employers strive to create and maintain safe workplaces, the 2021 positivity rate represented an increase of 31.4 percent from the all-time low of 3.5% just 10 years ago. Spikes in positivity rates even from 2020 to 2021 were staggering for cocaine, methamphetamines, and marijuana.

This session is presented by two employment lawyers who previously served as a criminal prosecutor and public defender handling drug and alcohol related offenses. The presenters will provide an overview of workplace drug and alcohol issues, as well as discuss employer obligations and risks as analyzed by OSHA and applicable laws. Presenters will review drug and alcohol policies and make suggestions based on industry, paying particular attention to addressing how employers should navigate the legalization of marijuana in some states. This session will also tackle reasonable suspicion testing, including providing detailed guidance on identifying symptoms consistent with alcohol and drug impairment. It will address post-accident testing legal restrictions, pre-employment testing pros and cons, searching employees for drugs, and whether zero tolerance policies are still viable in the current workforce climate.

MNW Member: $299 per attendee
Non-Member: $359 per attendee

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